Speaker applications welcome

This conference is the first ICMI in which we’re extending an open invitation to those with an interest in gender matters (other than feminists, obviously) to submit material (English language only).

We would ask you to email the following details as soon as possible, we shall confirm as soon as we can, whether you have been accepted as a speaker:

– name, sex, nationality
– URL(s) of any website(s) you run, individually or jointly
– Provisional talk title, broad details of the issue(s) you plan to cover – maximum 100 words
– Personal biography, with hyperlinks if you wish to include them – maximum 250 words

Please do not prepare a video (even a test video) until we confirm that you’ve been accepted as a speaker, in which case we’ll ask you to provide a head and shoulders photograph, maximum 2MB – we can crop images, if required. The final image used on the website will be portrait style orientation.

Our guidance on preparing videos is here.

All videos will be reviewed, we reserve the right to not publish any to which we object.

If you live in Australia or New Zealand, please email Robert Brockway (Robert@AMRAinc.org). For other countries, email Mike Buchanan (mikebuchananuk@gmail.com). Thank you.